Live Life Support

Live life support service works to ensure that participants with disabilities have a chance to live a meaningful life despite their disabilities. Live Life Support ensures that participants receive the best possible assistance to improve their quality of life by ensuring that they spend more time with family and friends and have greater independence. The staff at Live Life are highly reliable, very professional, compassionate and are qualified to work with disables people.
Live Life support (LLS) is committed to respecting human rights and believes that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. Live Life support (LLS) seeks to prevent or mitigate any negative human rights impacts in connection with our operations or activities and maximise any potential positive impacts where we are present. All Live Life support (LLS) workers are required to comply with this Policy. As a part of our commitment to respect human rights Live Life support (LLS) will work in alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
At Live Life Support we treat all our participants fairly and without discrimination, we respect the human rights of the communities in which we operate, we consult with our participants on human rights issues and provide easily accessible feedback and complaints management, we recognise the rights of Indigenous people, acknowledge their connections to lands and waters and respect their culture.

About Us

LIVE LIFE SUPPORT has very amazing workers who are passionate about what we do. At Live Life Support, we understand the unique requirements of our clients and are hand on-hand to provide dedicated care services. We are also committed to implementing a system to ensure each participant will receive quality services and supports that promote, uphold, and respect their legal and human rights as well as individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making, and is enabled to exercise informed choice and control.


Each participant’s legal and human rights are understood and incorporated into everyday practice:

  • Communication with each participant about the provision of support responsive to their needs and is provided in the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand.

  • Each participant is supported to engage with their family, friends and chosen community as directed by the participant.

Our Mission

Live life Support’s mission is to provide the best possible care to the individual participant no matter the race, gender, and age. We work to ensure that everyone have control and a choice. Our mission is to also ensure the participants have the right access to quality care, needs and the abilities to meet their goals with our support.

Our Vision

  • Empower participants through choice making.
  • Work with participants to ensure their needs are met.
  • Support participants to achieve their daily goals.
  • Respect and preserve participants independent living qualities.
  • Be flexible in service delivering.
  • Maintain high ethical standards.
  • Our participants have right in every decision making.


We understand that choosing your supports and which providers you wish to work with, is an exciting time with accessing a NDIS Plan, however, it can also be a challenging time. That why we are here to support you.

Live life support team will help you to activate your NDIS plan & access your supports. They will also help to connect you with people & services in your community & help you to understand your NDIS package.